Home sweet home after a long and sometimes quite wet voyage
After being our home for two months the YELLOWDREAM is back at her berth again.
It was a very varying tour we did. However one thing was more or less constant. The weather really played crazy ! Sometimes we were sweating in a hot sun, other times freezing with 12 degrees at noon in a drizzle! And we spendt lots of days waiting for the wind to decrease. And by the way . When there was wind , it often was not enough to sail and we motored over 80% of the time!
Also the wind direction at the western coast of Norway was very rare ; south to south-east instead of the normal west to northwest.
We covered about 1450 nautical miles and visited 4 countries (apart from Holland off course).

Now comes the time to think about another trip next summer . Until then!
Who knows?????????
Home sweet home after a long and sometimes quite wet voyage
After being our home for two months the YELLOWDREAM is back at her berth again.
It was a very varying tour we did. However one thing was more or less constant. The weather really played crazy ! Sometimes we were sweating in a hot sun, other times freezing with 12 degrees at noon in a drizzle! And we spendt lots of days waiting for the wind to decrease. And by the way . When there was wind , it often was not enough to sail and we motored over 80% of the time!
Also the wind direction at the western coast of Norway was very rare ; south to south-east instead of the normal west to northwest.
We covered about 1450 nautical miles and visited 4 countries (apart from Holland off course).

Now comes the time to think about another trip next summer . Until then!
Who knows?????????
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