zaterdag 21 augustus 2010

On we go from Laeso to Anholt


It started as a nice sail trip but later the wind died and later veered to headwind.
But later that afternoon the predicted force 6 came ( some 6 hours earlier as predicted!) and we had to motor almost straight into the waves and wind ( 20 degrees).Luckily the speed reamined above 5 knots so we didn't loose much time and arrived a short after 17.00.

Anhold is a small island in the middle of the kattegat. A great deal is a nature reserve with restricted acces . Here also lots of seals live and raise their pups.
The island also is a beloved holiday resort in summer but when we arrived it seemed rather depeopled.
There is a very good harbour with excellent shelter and good facilities.

Anholt harbour.

YELLOWDREAM found herself a nice lee berth.

The island is surrounded by a shallow area which can cause very steep waves in force 5 or more!

Next to the harbour there is a extended sand beach which however doesn't cause sand in the harbour like at Thyboron because of the position leewards of the harbour.

The beach next to the harbour.

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